Market Information System

The ACA’s Market Information System (MIS) collects, analyzes and disseminates up-to-date information on market conditions in Africa and worldwide, providing stakeholders with the best means to make informed and effective business decisions. A range of MIS products provide members with everything from weekly updates of kernel prices, to monthly market analyses, to long-term data on cashew production volumes.

The ACA offers its members the following MIS services:

AfricashewSplits: a weekly email update covering prices and market conditions in Africa, India, Brazil and Vietnam. This weekly report covers market activity including the latest prices for each grade of cashew, trends in production and processing, and weather conditions and institutional activity in cashew-producing countries.

AfricashewBits: the SMS component of the weekly market update, delivering kernel prices direct to your mobile phone, wherever you are.

Africashew450: a monthly market analysis report. This report looks at each month’s pricing trends and market activities in detail, providing in-depth analysis, and profiles of each producing country’s production figures, processing and institutional trends, as well as data on shipping and exchange rates.