ACA News

ACA's bimonthly newsletter "AfricasheW320" gives you all the latest news on ACA activities and ACA member initiatives. You can find the complete archive below, or visit the complete PDF archive.

30 Apr, 2018 by bokam

This service is called in creole : “M-Cadju, Mercado de Cadju” and implemented by ANCA in collaboration with MTN. The system was set up with the technical support of the African Cashew Alliance (ACA) and the PRSPDA / World Bank project.

The cashew marketing season was launched on March 24, 2018. Nut collection has begun and buyers/exporters are preparing for the purchase.


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9 Apr, 2018 by bokam

On Thursday, 5th April 2018 cashew stakeholders in Ghana convened at the Tomreik Hotel in East Legon, Accra for the official inauguration of the Association of Cashew Processors Ghana (ACPG). The objective of ACPG is to formalize the cooperation of cashew processors in Ghana in a quest to revamp and transform the cashew processing industry. Furthermore, the ACPG is meant to provide cashew...

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26 Mar, 2018 by dbani

The ACA/BUSAC Funds project seeks to employ the services of a technical consultant to Identify Advocacy Needs for the Cashew Private sector Value chain in Ghana, which will create a conducive business environment for value addition.  ...

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